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Lost & Found: A Cat’s Story of Finding Belonging



Grateful for this little black furball.

Like all of our strays, Gucci has an interesting backstory.

One day, this tiny thing appeared on our doorstep out of nowhere. My mom, in her infinite wisdom, named him Gucci—because, well, moms can do whatever they want!

But Gucci didn’t even last a night at our place. Mel, our “I don’t give a damn about anyone” cat, took one look at him and hissed relentlessly. Before we knew it, Gucci was MIA.

Later, we discovered that he had made his way to a neighbor’s house two doors up. I was relieved to know that at least someone was feeding him.

Fast forward two months. I stopped by the neighbor’s and casually asked about Gucci. Turns out, they had renamed him Blackie but had also left him at a nearby storefront. Yet somehow, this little guy found his way back—crossing streets and dodging cars—to return “home.”

Hearing this, I brought him back with me. Cats are known to choose their people, and I wondered if he’d run off again. But three weeks have passed, and Gucci seems to have settled in. He rarely leaves the house now, embracing the indoor life. Maybe, just maybe, he has finally found where he belongs.

Finding home, finding belonging.

Gucci’s journey reminds me of something I see often—especially when working with kids. Every child has a story, just like every cat does. Some kids are naturally expressive, while others take time to find their voice. Some know exactly what they want to create, while others explore, experiment, and try again.

That’s what CreaTee is all about. It’s more than just a t-shirt design activity—it’s a space for kids to tell their stories, to express themselves in a way that feels right for them. Creativity, like belonging, takes time to unfold.

Maybe life really is a mix of luck, timing, and a little guidance from above. Gucci found his place in our home. And through CreaTee, I hope more kids find the confidence to share their voices, one design at a time.

Our house wouldn’t be a home without these furry souls. And CreaTee wouldn’t be what it is without the stories kids bring to life.

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